Masterton & Job

From Tauranga Noah and I hitchhiked to Whakatane, a small town next to the sea. We visited Ohope Beach, ’newzealands most loved beach‘.
From there we drove to Gisborne, a real surfer city. On our way there we had to wait for a really long time to get picked up, 2 hours at one spot…
But we were really lucky, that we were picked up by Kevin the beekeeper, for whom we are working now.

In Gisborne I met Sven whom I know from the flight to Newzealand.

Because Kevin knew that we were looking for a job he rang us while we stayed in Gisborne and offered us a job as a beekeeper and labourer in his company.
We managed to drive the 450 km by hitchhiking in one day.

This is our third week working for Kevin now. We assambled about 1600 boxes, painted already about the half of them and are now waxing frames. After painting all these boxes and filling the with frames we will go out to the farms where all the beehives are located.
I am really looking forward to the real beekeeping. Last weekend Noah was lucky to be chosen to go on a trip for 2 days and swap boxes full of honey with empty boxes.

The first week in Masterton we stayed in a really bad hostel, so luckily Kevin arranged a nicer place to stay.
We are now staying at Sandy’s and Len’s, they have a really big and old wooden house with a huge pool.
Noah and I have both our own room, finally a bit more privacy after about 4 month.

It is really nice to get freshliy cooked food when coming home, the food they provide us is nearly completely out of their own garden.

On our first weekend we went to Castlepoint, a small city with a very nice beach and a lighthouse.
We visited a club in Masterton with a colleague called Josh in the evening and went to see Florian again in Wellington before he flew back to Germany on Sunday.

On our second weekend we went nightclubbing in Wellington, we arrived there at about 11 pm and I drove us back at about 5 am, into the sunrise. Luckily our boss provided us a car, so we can visit the surrounding cities.
On sunday Sandy and Len took us to a nature reserve nearby. To cross the river we went over a huge rope bridge.

We will have to work tomorrow on the 24th but have the 25th and 26th off. We will celebrate christmas with Sandy, Len and some of their friends.

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Hepara, a maori tatooist and jade caver

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6 Kommentare

  1. Mama
    Dezember 23, 2015

    Frohe Weihnachten an ‚ s andere Ende der Welt …

  2. Nathalie
    Dezember 24, 2015

    Frohe Weihnachten, Lucas!

    • Lucas Lepski
      Dezember 25, 2015

      Danke 🙂
      Frohe Weihnachten auch euch.

  3. Michael
    Dezember 25, 2015

    Hallo Lucas,
    tolle Fotos, beeindruckende Landschaften und es sieht alles danach aus, dass Du eine großartige Zeit hast. Wir wünschen Dir schöne Weihnachten und alles Gute für 2016. Viele Grüße, Michael und Marion

    • Lucas Lepski
      Dezember 25, 2015

      Danke Michael und Marion,
      ich wuensche euch auch eine schoene Weihnachtszeit und ein frohes neues Jahr.

      bis jetzt war mein Weihnachten echt super. Mit so vielen netten Leuten um einen herum, vielem leckeren Essen und einen Pool im Garten kann das auch garnicht anders sein. Bei sonnigen 25 ` C verbringe ich jetzt noch entspannt den 2. Weihnachtstag (Boxingday).
      LG Lucas

  4. Bridget
    Dezember 26, 2015

    Hallo lucas wir lieben dich, die damen vom sofa von 18 bis 54 jahre
    Gruss deine girlie-group
    Celina, dana und bridgit

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